All Natural Sugar Scrubs, they work wonderfully to exfoliate and scrub away old skin while mositureizing your skin leaving it soft and smooth.
Now available in .5 oz sample/lip size, 2 oz Plastic or 4 oz Glass Mason Jar, Regular and Wide Mouth, 4 oz Blue Cobalt Plastic Jar, and 8 oz Mason Jar.
Directions: In a circular motion, apply to body where it is needed, lips / face / body, continue to massage away dull skin. Let sit for a few minutes to nourish and moisturize. Rinse off with warm water and soap if necessary to rinse away remaining oils left behind. Use Extreme caution if using this product in the shower as it can be slipperly due to the oils.
Ingredients: (Grapefruit/Mint) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Grapefruit and Peppermint Essential Oils & Mica Powder... (Vanilla/Honey) Avocado Oil, Brown Sugar, White Sugar, Honey, Vanilla Essential Oil. (Tangerine) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Tangerine Essential Oil and Zest. (Coffee) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Coffee Grinds, Cinnamon, Vanilla Essential Oil. . (Coconut/Lime) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Lime Zest, Lime Essential Oil & Shredded Coconut. (Lavender/Vanilla) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Avocado Oil, Lavender & Vanilla Essential Oils, (Strawberry/Coconut) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Shredded Coconut, Strawberry & Coconut Fragrance Oils, Mica Powder (Lemon) Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Lemon Essential Oil & Mica Powder. (Blackberry) Hemp Seed Oil, White Sugar, & Blackberry Essential Oil. (Pastels) Green Apple, Mango Mango, Blue Blueberry: Coconut Oil, White Sugar, Essential Oils and Mica Powder.
Reason I used Hemp Seed Oil for Blackberry Scrub:
Obtained from the Cannabis Sativa plant, hemp seed provides some pretty amazing health benefits. With high concentrations of linoleic, alpha-linolenic & gamma-linolenic acids, hemp seed oil is a brilliant anti-inflammatory and has valuable antioxidant properties which help with skin cell regeneration and preventing premature aging. It has Omega 6, Omega 3, fatty acids, and an incredible ability to resist infection while strengthening skin. Being non-greasy it is great to use on oily skin for eczema, psoriasis and acne or for full body massages. Hemp seed oil is also a natural analgesic (pain-reliever), making it a good choice for muscle and joint pain.
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